Biomass Processing

Biomass processing is an efficient way of producing energy from non-fossil fuel resources. Other renewable energy approaches untilize wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower to produce energy. Unlike other renewable energy sources, biomass can be directly converted into liquid fuels including ethanol, biodiesel, and other hydrocarbon fuels. Algae, sawdust, waste manure, trap grease, landfill gasses, and even scrap automobile tires can serve as an abundant, high-yield, and very profitable source of energy.

SPS specializes in creating solutions that convert biomass resources into energy products through the application of a number of chemical transformation processes. For example, by applying an accelerated transesterification process we created a solution that converts algae into diesel fuel. The system extracts oil from the algae and then applies biochemical reactions to produce the fuel instead of the conventional approach of applying high-heat and pressure.  The bio-reactors and conversion reactors we build make all this possible.

The result is a truly green energy in a very practical context. Carbon dioxide, usually an industrial waste product, is used as the source of carbon. Algae is the vehicle to convert carbon dioxide to biomass using solar energy, and transesterification converts the algae mass to the organic biodiesel fuel. This is the ultimate in carbon dioxide sequestration because it so rapidly consumes carbon dioxide to create large quantities of biomass. This byproduct can be further converted to fuel and/or a protein supplement.

Pyrolysis is another conversion process that can be leveraged for renewable energy production. (For example, to convert sawdust into biodiesel fuel.)  Sawdust that’s normally burned by the ton by a large sawmill operation can be introduced into a pyrolysis reaction where it’s heated to an extremely high temperature. This enables separation of the biological components which are then passed through a cooling stage to further separate the chemical components. Gasses and other materials are removed from the biological material leaving biodiesel as the end result.

Another interesting application of a Pyrolysis process involves converting HEMP biomass into CBD oil. Click here for more information about SPS CBD solutions that are currently in development.

The possibilities for biomass processing are tremendous. These examples are a result of someone contacting us with an idea that our engineering and fabrication teams can run with. Contact us today to discuss your ideas for biomass processing and renewable energy sources and together we’ll shape the future of energy production.


SPS Systems, Inc. maintains certification with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for “U” stamped vessels and the National Board for “R” stamped repairs.