
At SPS Systems, we don’t just build equipment using advanced separation techniques in chemical engineering. We help customers find and implement solutions for their industrial-sized challenges. Whether you already know what type of process plant you need or you’re exploring your options, we can help.

SPS designs modular skid packages, allowing for a great deal of flexibility. We can add value to your product by including processes that remove contaminants, separate input streams into saleable components, and utilize waste resources for productive purposes.

Listed below are some of the types of solutions we can offer.

Stranded Gas Solutions

In some areas, a lack of infrastructure can leave natural gas stranded without a way to bring it to market. We can turn that gas into products that can be safely transported or used on-site.

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Flare Gas Solutions

Gas flared into the atmosphere represents both an environmental hazard and wasted energy. We help combat both with a variety of profitable uses for flare gas.

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Waste Heat Recovery

Heat energy produced by generators, exhaust, etc. can be harnessed to power productive and money-saving process systems.

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Natural Gas Processing

Natural gas must undergo a number of refinements between the source and the end market. We offer systems that can remove contaminants, separate components from the gas stream, and create a more readily transportable product.

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Crude Oil Refining

For crude oil processors looking for effective smaller-scale refining at the source of production, we can add value to crude oil for local use and distribution.

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SPS Systems, Inc. maintains certification with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for “U” stamped vessels and the National Board for “R” stamped repairs.